My Interview with the next pop it girl of our time (805enavol)

Scroll down for the interview I had with the iconic & talented 805enavol I know the word iconic or icon gets thrown around nowadays but 805enavol is literally an icon. If Ke$ha , Slayyyter , Britney Spears and Gaga had a orgy they would have given birth to 805enavol. She’s super talented has two albums under her belt and every song she puts out is literal perfection having her on something of yours is a blessing. In this interview we talk about her music and her new album Celebritney and her thoughts on other small creators also where she sees herself in 10 years time also I asked some juicy questions so scroll down to read our interview. Also I will link her Insta & Spotify down below ok enjoy the interview xx

me: hey doll

805: heyyy

me: So what first got you into music?

805: Music has always been there, ever since I was born. I listened to music and played instruments ever since I was like 2 years old. It‘s in me naturally.

me: Who was her inspiration for her music ?

805: When I started I didn‘t expect to like it as much as I do now. I did it for fun and just made whatever I wanted to hear. So for inspiration, I‘m gonna thank my brain

me: Omg iconic I love that

me: How would you describe the music that you typically create?

805: I am obsessed with the 80s to late 2000s. I would describe it as my attempt at creating that type of music with my own unique twist to it.

me: Wow that’s actually cool I like that you put two iconic eras and put into one that’s really smart.

me: Who would you most like to collaborate with?

805: My absolute dream feature would be Britney Spears. And I‘m gonna make that happen one day, I swear to god! But I‘d also love to collab with Lady Gaga and make a song in the style of “The Fame”.

me: Omg that’s crazy gurl that’s iconic Gaga x 805 wow the world isn’t ready for that one

me: So how was it working on your current album ?

805: It was a lot of work and took almost half a year since I produce, write and master everything myself. But I‘m proud of the result and I think it‘s a big improvement to my debut album. The deluxe edition will be released soon, so I can‘t wait to see my fans give their opinion and thoughts on it!

me: It is a masterpiece I love it and since you mentioned Gaga’s album The Fame I kinda do get that vibe from your new album you mentioned the other day that you will be dropping a deluxe edition of your album how many tracks will be added ?

805: It will contain the 12 main tracks and 5 deluxe tracks, so 17 in total.

me: So speaking on the topic of your album one song that hit me that kinda told a story most to me is I’m Hot. Have you been called a f@gg*t before or been bullied for the way you dress. Like I can relate to being bullied and called a f@g so I was wondering if you have experience that hate before and it was also a cool way to say fuck you to all the DL boys.

805: I think no person coming out while in school will ever have it easy. However, I wouldn‘t call the treatment I received bullying. I‘m from a small village somewhere in Germany and I‘m one of three publicly outed people at my school. People just don‘t know how to deal with that because it‘s still such an uncommon thing in my area.

me: Wow I know people kinda jump around her but Kim Petras is also from a small town in Germany and she said the same she said people didn’t know what to say or do but to feel uncomfortable or confused by it because she was the only one really in her school and area like that at the time so yes it’s more clearly now.

805: Yes, these people don‘t come from a place of hate. They just don‘t know how to deal with that. It‘s completely natural. What I‘ve learned from personal experience is that the best thing you can do, as hard as it sometimes is, is to not insult back, but rather be open about what it‘s like in your position and, in general, seek the conversation so they can understand that you‘re still the same person.

me: That’s a beautiful way to look at it like that could help someone out there who is struggling with this situation.

805: “I‘m Hot” is a comedic take on a serious issue. Cause that‘s what I‘ve always done to deal with the pain. Joke about it.

me: Back to the album what was there any songs on the album that nearly didn’t make on it and also which song did you record first on the album

805: I took an unusual approach to creating that album. The first song was Fun Wit Me, which I release as a single back in November of 2022. Putting the MySpace Ad Jingle on the album was an absolute last-minuted decision because clearly that song is a joke. But I wanted to have more songs than my debut album and I just liked it in there. *But I wanted it to have more songs…

me: Omg I love MySpace Ad Jingle it’s so fun and cute it fits so perfectly on the album. My favourite song from the album is Wasted omg I can’t stop listening to that like on repeat every two minutes. What would you say your favourite song is from your album.

805: I don‘t like to pick favourites among my songs, since I only make and publish music that I like and that I would listen to privately. But I really like Fun Wit Me and Feel Alive, because that‘s the type of music I‘m most into right now, and I know Fun Wit Me is also a fan favourite.

me: Gonna bring out the diane sawyer in me lmao time for the tea. Who is the most lazy in this industry it can be famous ppl and some SoundCloud artists I know a few that should be on this list.

805: I think everyone is lazy as fuck right now, to be honest. Like, where is the uniqueness and creativity? Every pop song nowadays sounds like either a cheap 80s knock-off or some bedroom pop type shit to give TikTokers an orgasm. Hip-Hop today is like Lil Baby being copy-pasted a couple of thousand times. They don‘t aim for a long-lasting career but for that quick and easy viral fame which pissed me of cause I like music to make me feel something. I know that sounds corny af, but it‘s really like that. Every artist just jumps on the wave of what‘s currently popular and tries to profit off of it, nobody even tries to create something different and new anymore.

me: Ok so where do you stand with bimbobrat as you seen they have disappeared you thinking career over or comeback soon?

805: I think if they wanna come back, they definitely can. We have a song together, it‘s very cute.

me: Speaking about collaborations and all that which one is your favourite ofc u have to say their all your fav but which one do u listen more often to I really like popstars and kiss me are my favourite.

805: The collab I listen to the most is actually my first one ever, it‘s called “Next Level Bitch” with Mattel. I‘m actually not as hyped about collaborating as I used to be. Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m still down, haha.

me: Gurl literally anything your on is gold trust me lmao.

me: Other than you who should people look out in this little music scene I think bbykocaine is one of them to be honest.

805: I‘ve met so many people since I started last year, mostly amazing and very nice artists, as well as a fewconceited pieces of trash. I think our scene could be the next big thing as a whole.

me: Yes like You , bbykocaine , Goldilux and Luigi , Rina Whorgan , Jade Nicole and S4BRINA I totally agree your in such a small but iconic scene.

me: Was a Grammy award always in your dreams or you not an award girl like obviously u want one but is it overhyped?

805: I think at this point the Grammys are embarrassing to say the least. It‘s supposed to honor the greatest musical achievements of the year, but now it‘s turned into a shitshow of washed up celebs boosting their egos and cringy hosts with no comedic timing whatsoever, as well as most performances being so low-effort, it makes you fall asleep. Still, I want one lol

me: Yes omg I couldn’t agree more

me: So thoughts on the twinks that try too hard to be like ayesha erotica I showed my friends some of your work and two secs into your song cash out two of them said omg is this another ayesha wannabe twink do you think their ruining a whole scene for people who are actually trying to make a career out of this 2000s y2k music vibe don’t get me wrong I’m a huge huge ayesha fan it’s just they do be trying too hard to be like her and it’s annoying.

805: I mean, there‘s no doubt Ayesha was an incredibly talented artist. And generally, trying to be like your idol is nothing bad. But in her case, due to the persona that she created, her fans are now a bunch of delusional pathetic pre-teen social rejects that think overdosing on crack and being a prostitute is fun. So to answer your question, yes, they definitely ruin everything for everyone.

me: Ok we’re gonna play a little game called overhyped or rightfully hyped. How it will work imma name some artists and you to tell him they are overhyped or rightfully hyped .

( answer with overhyped or rightfully hyped)

805: Yuhhh lets go

me: Ariana Grande

805: Rightfully hyped

me: Beyoncé

805: Overhyped But sweet :3

me: RiRi

805: Overhyped cuz like drop a new album or sum

me: Ikr lmao We don’t need anymore makeup just drop an album already lol

me: Nicki

805: Overhyped

me: Lana now gurl the cult gonna come for u on this one so watch your answer lol

805: Dont listen to lana at all no opinion lmao

me: Oop

me: Charli Xcx

805: WAYYY too less hyped

me: Thank you yes omg she literally is so underrated she’s literally a queen.

me: Ok last two questions where do you see or hope to see yourself in 10 years time and also do you have any advice for people who are trying to start a music career ?

805: In 10 years, I wanna be world famous, I wanna be free from having no money, I wanna have a husband and children and I wanna have made a song with Britney ❤

me: That’s so beautiful your talented so keep doing what your doing your killing it doll.

805: Tysm i had a lot of fun amazing questions 🙂

You can find all of 805enavol’s social platforms down below…

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